- 千葉量七編[探索算法]に於けるサイクロイド曲線の解法について
- 熊野白山滝神社算額中の千葉倉松胤雪門人達の解義書
- 奉納、奉掛南部太田村清水観世音算額(非現存)ニ例
- 「塵劫記」、「改算記」に於ける枡の寸法と実際の枡の規格について
- 水沢八幡宮の算額を再掲額する際の問題点
- 和算に於ける多変数関数の極値問題
- 極数術を扱った奉納算題
- 越中石黒信由算題五條
- 測地曲率による単位球面上の界面発展方程式〔英文〕
- 3次元ユ-クリッド空間内の曲面上の曲線の平衡問題について〔英文〕
- 増約求積と釣垂術
- Modelling the Swim of a Microbe under Certain Conditions
- 渓川子甲斐稿(全)の「一題六品術」をめぐって
- Variational Problem with respect to Deformed Energy Functionals and Its Applications
- 「関流算法童子歌」抄
- C-loxodrome Curves in a 3-dimensional Unit Sphere Equipped with Sasakian Structure
- The Variational Problem with Respect to 1/2〓cg(δV/ds,δV/ds)ds on the Riemannian Manifold Admitting a Killing Vector Field V
- The Most Rapid Curve on a Riemannian Manifold under the Stationary Current
- Brachistochrone on the Surface Under the Influence of Gravity
- Red Blood Cell Shape Based on the Curvature Elasticity-1-
- Hanging Conductor in the Constant Gravitational and Magnetic Fields
- Generalized Catenary Curves on the Surface
- 定幅曲線と凸面鏡(部分多様体の微分幾何学)
- On Rolling a Surface on a Plane Whose Angular Velocity Has the Constant Normal Component
- Some Remarks on Geometrical Optics