Design and Fabrication of an Array Type Electron Multiplier for RadiationImaging by Micromachining Technique
Iguchi T
Dept. Of Quantum Engineering & Systems Science Univ. Of Tokyo
HIRATA Yoshihiro
Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd.
Dept. Pathol., Jikei Univ. Sch. Med.
Iida T
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Osaka University
Iguchi Tetsuo
Dept. Of Quantum Engineering & Systems Science Univ. Of Tokyo
Hirata Y
Sumitomo Electric Ind. Ltd. Jpn
Nakazawa Masaharu
Dept. Of Quantum Engineering & Systems Science Univ. Of Tokyo
Dept. of Quantum Engineering & Systems Science, Univ. of Tokyo
Sumitomo Precesion Products Co., Ltd.
Sumitomo Precesion Products Co., Ltd.
Kawarabayashi Jun
Nagoya University
Tokue Rinzo
Sumitomo Precesion Products Co. Ltd.
Takahashi Ayumu
Sumitomo Precesion Products Co. Ltd.
Takahashi H
Chuo Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Dept. of Quantum Engineering & Systems Science, Univ. of Tokyo
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