An Ecological Study on Land Usage of the Nyakyusa People in Southern Tanzania: Contibuity and Changes from the Traditional Society
- 論文の詳細を見る
Land usage of the Nyakyusa people in the 1980s is described and compared with that of the 19th century. Foregoing anthropologists paid much attention on the Nyakyusa's unique social systems, age village and chieftainship. I respected smaller social units, household and individual. This viewpoint was effective to conduct the following conclusions. (1) Despite foregoing reports of land shortage and actual historical tendency toward shortage, land is found not scarce quantitatively to live on agriculture. (2) Household composition and frequent moves in residence are constant since the 19th century, while rights in land changed much.
- 京都大学の論文
栗田 和明
栗田 和明
Kazuaki KURITA
Rikkyo University
KURITA Kazuaki
Rikkyo University
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