Architectural Characteristics of the Libraries and Museums easily damaged by Flood
- 論文の詳細を見る
京都工芸繊維大学 工芸学部研究報告 第50巻 理工・欧文(2001) pp.55-64図書館と博物館における浸水被害の実態とその対策について論じた研究である。一連の図書館と美術館における浸水被害に関する研究について英文にてまとめたものである。図書館と美術館における浸水被害の実態と浸水被害を受けないようにするための指針を示している。In recent years, the damage to Libraries and Museums caused by floods have increased. This is specially true in the underground where great damage can happen easily. And so, it is important to add to the facility management good architectural planning considerations to minimize damages. It is important to take note if there was a previous occurrence of flood damage in the surrounding environment, and the location of the basement specially if the topography is sloping or a hollow low ground. A place where water can flow and accumulate easily are used as dry area, parking, ramps for goods and ramps for disabled people can be given. To prevent flood damages the different patterns of water flow should be predicted and to allow sufficient planning for the drainage of water. Measures should be implemented so that books, works of art, computers would not be damaged. A doubly considered architecture planning provision is then necessary.
- 京都工芸繊維大学の論文
森田 孝夫
高木 真人
森田 孝夫
橋間 聖介
森田 孝夫
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