<原著>消化器外科における生体電気抵抗測定(bioelectrical impedance analysis)の意義
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The whole body bioelectric impedance of gastrointestinal surgery was examined to evaluate the clinical applications under surgical stress and aging. The resistance (R) and reactance (Xc) were measured by the tetrapolar bioelectric impedance method, and then were used to calculate the exchangeable sodium/exchangeable potassium ratio (Nae/Ke ratio) and the phase angle in the volunteers and surgery patients. In the 10 healthy volunteers 80-89 years old, the Nae/Ke ratio was 1.40±0.08 for the males and 1.50±0.15 for the females. In contrast, in the 30 healthy volunteers 20-29 years old the Nae/Ke ratio was 1.07±0.06 for the males and was 1.17±0.09 for the females. The ratio was significantly higher the elderly group than in the youth group (P<0.01). The phase angle was 5.01±0.13 for the males and 5.12±1.76 for the females in the elderly group. On the other hand, the phase angle was 7.25±0.59 for the males, and 7.80±1.07 for the females in the youth group. The surgery patients were classified according to the degree of surgical stress into the major surgery group, the moderate surgery group and the minimal surgical group. The major and moderate surgery groups showed a significant increase at the surgery as compared with the minimal surgery group. The changes of bioelectrical impedance before and after gastrointestinal surgery revealed a marked increase in the Nae/Ke ratio immediately after surgery in the elderly patients and patients with operative complications as compared with the other groups. In addition, the recovery of the Nae/Ke ratio was delayed in the elderly patients and patients with complications. The phase angle showed an inverse correlation with the Nae/Ke ratio. The patients with recurrent gastrointestinal cancer had a significantly increased Nae/Ke ratio from 1.25 to 1.84 at the terminal stage (P<0.01), and also the phase angle significantly decreased from 6.60 to 2.90. The Nae/Ke ratio revealed deterioration in the general conditions, The phase angle revealed a decrease in the cellular function and decrease in the volume of extracellular fluid. Almost all patients in the terminal stage were estimated to have a Nae/Ke ratio of more than 1.70 and phase angle of less than 3.50. In conclusion, the measurement of the whole body bioelectrical impedance allowed assessment of the nutritional state, the influence of aging and the degree of surgical patients.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1995-12-25
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- 消化器外科における生体電気抵抗測定(bioelectrical impedance analysis)の意義