<原著>甲状腺腫瘤の鑑別診断におけるMagnetic resonance imaging(MRI)の有用性に関する検討
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The usefulness of plain, contrast-enhanced, and dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was compared in 68 patients with thyroid masses. By plain MRI, papillary carcinoma revealed irregular margins and heterogeneous internal structures, while benign masses tended to display regular margins and homogeneous internal structures. However, it was not always easy to distinguish follicular adenoma from follicular carcinoma. Plain MRI could also clearly reveal tracheal invasion and lymph node metastasis of thyroid cancer. By contrast-enhanced MRI, malignant masses were enhanced heterogeneously and follicular adenoma was enhanced homogeneously, but adenomatous goiters showed various patterns of enhancement. The time intensity curve of thyroid masses on dynamic MRI, with time as the abscissa and the signal-enhancement-to-noise ratio (SE) as the ordinate, was analyzed and classified into four types, i.e., rapid enhancement-rapid attenuation (type A), rapid enhancement-gradual attenuation (type B), gradual enhancement-gradual attenuation (type C), and no change (type D). Malignant masses tended to display type B images, while benign masses to display type A or type D images. Dynamic MRI could suggest the circulatory states of thyroid masses, and differentiate benign from malignant thyroid masses. MRI is a very useful modality in the differential diagnosis of thyroid masses.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1994-09-25
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- 甲状腺腫瘤の鑑別診断におけるMagnetic resonance imaging(MRI)の有用性に関する検討