- 論文の詳細を見る
The endoscopic hemostasis method using paired bipolar electrocoagulator (BPEC) that we developed for control of upper gastrointestinal bleeding is reported and the results discussed. A total of 264 patients were treated with BPEC on 316 occasions between September 1980 and August 1992. Subjects consisted of 57 females and 207 males. Arrest of bleeding was achieved by BPEC in 307 of 316 occasions (97.2%). No complications related to the procedure were noted during the observation period. The effects of four types of electrodes, 3 bipolar electrocoagulators and 1 heater probe, were compared by in vitro experiment. The degenerative width and depth was compared on fresh human stomachs that had been resected due to perforated duodenal ulcer. It was confirmed that the mean width of the coagulated area produced by BPEC was significantly (P<0.001) smaller than that of the other three probes, and BPEC produced the deepest, yet safe degenerative depth among the four methods. We conclude that BPEC is highly effective in hemostasis and superior to various other hemostatic methods in its operability, safety, portability and equal to other methods in cost.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1993-09-25
- 胃のGastrointestinal stromal tumor(GIST)の1例
- 23.手術拒否, 不能例の早期胃癌に対する内視鏡下Nd-YAG LASER治療
- 11.当院でのERCP施行例における膵管癒合不全例の検討
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- 11.特発性アルドステロン症の長期(22年間)治療中に副腎機能低下症を生じた1例
- 24.血友病Bにおける抜歯の1例
- 17.留置スネアを用いた大腸ポリペクトミーの経験
- 4端子bipolar電気凝固法による上部消化管出血の内視鏡的止血法
- 20. 膵癌性疼痛に対する超音波内視鏡ガイド下腹腔神経叢ブロックの有用性(第54回近畿大学医学会学術講演会)
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- 9.肝細胞癌の新しい治療法 : Radio Frequency Ablation(RFA)Therapyについて
- これは!と思ったら--鑑別はこの方法で (特集 胃がん患者を診る) -- (胃がんの検査--ここがポイント)
- とにかく,見落さないためには (特集 胃がん患者を診る) -- (胃がんの検査--ここがポイント)
- 近畿大学医学部附属病院 内視鏡部