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This study was carried out to investigate the role of immunoregulatory effects of the histamine receptor bearing lymphocytes in the type II collagen induced arthritis (CIA). The histamine, H1 or H2 receptor bearing lymphocytes with recognition of type II collagen were harvested from the spleen of normal DBA/1J mice. The DBA/1J mice were sensitized and boostered on the 21st day after sensitization with type II collagen. The function of histamine H2 receptor in lymphocytes was reduced in CIA mice by measurement of the level of intracellular cAMP stimulated with histamine. On the fourth day after booster immunization, the histamine receptor bearing lymphocytes were transferred in the boostered mice, and the incidence, arthritic index, antibodies to the type II collagen and the level of intracellular cAMP in lymphocytes stimulated with histamine were examined. Passive transfer of the histamine or histamine H2 receptor bearing lymphocytes with recognition of type II collagen inhibited the incidence, reduced both the arthritic index and the titer of antibodies to the type II collagen and repaired the level of intracellular cAMP in lymphocytes stimulated with histamine. However, transfer of the histamine H1 receptor bearing lymphocytes had no effects on CIA. These results indicated that the histamine receptor bearing lymphocytes, particularly the histamine H2 receptor bearing lymphocytes, play a suppressive role, and repaired the function of histamine H2 receptor.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1990-03-25
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