<原著>ファロー四徴症根治手術後肺動脈弁閉鎖不全 : その評価と防止策についての実験的, 臨床的研究
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The effects of pulmonary regurgitation (PR) on postrepair hemodynamics and cardiac function were evaluated in the Fallot's patients after surgical repair. And furthermore, a new technique of the right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction was devised to prevent PR. As the methods for assessing PR, two methods were comparatively used, i. e., one is the method using pulmonary angiogram and the other is the one using catheter-tip electromagnetic velocity meter in which regurgitant ratio is quantitatively analysed by integration of the forward and backward flow velocities in the main pulmonary artery. The experimental and clinical studies revealed that a close correlation was present between the degrees of PR obtained by these two methods. Regurgitant ratio using electromagnetic velocity wave was considered the most reliable method to quantitatively assess PR. The clinical study also revealed that PR was deteriorated with time, and that the PR of grade 2 or less was innocent, the PR of grade 3 or more was harmful. In the late postrepair period, the PR of grade 3 or more impaired the cardiac function and hemodynamics. On the basis of the experimental study, a new technique of the right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction termed "two-cusp plasty" has been applied to clinical cases with excellent result to prevent PR. This technique has the following advantages. First, in reference to the autocusp, one large cusp is formed from two small leaflets, producing a cusp that is larger than the sum of the original two leaflets. Second, the more extensive the fusion of the commissure is, the wider the cusp is. Third, this technique is applicable to the membranous atresia of the pulmonary valve. Fourth, the composite pulmonary annulus has two commissures, and these two are more effective than three commissures in preventing PR. From the results of this study a conclusion may be drawn as follows : to prevent PR, a blunt enforced enlargement of the pulmonary annulus should not be done, and when a transannular patch is used, two cusp plasty, cross sectional area index of 2.5 cm^2/m^2 or less and precise coaptation between the autocusp and that on the patch are imperative.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1989-03-25
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- 51 先天性心疾患に対する姑息手術の検討
- V-3 フアロー四微症根治手術におけるtwo-cusp plasty
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- ファロー四徴症根治手術後肺動脈弁閉鎖不全 : その評価と防止策についての実験的, 臨床的研究