<原著>糖尿病におけるinterleukin-1およびprostaglandin E_2の検討
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A variety of immune disturbances, both as the causation for insulin-dipendent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and the secondary responses to abnormal metabolism of carbohydrate, has been reported in patients with diabetes mellitus. In the present study, interleukin-1 (IL-1) and prostaglandin E_2 (PGE_2 ) were measured in the monocyte cultures derived from the peripheral blood of patients with diabetes mellitus to assess monocyte function in the disease. In healthy subjects, neither IL-1 nor PGE_2 production did not show any significant age-related difference when the subjects were divided into two groups of age, less than 50 years and 50 or more years. IL-1 activity was 1.61±0.92 (mean±SD, U/ml) and 1.25±0.56,for IDDM and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) respectively, which were not significantly different from the data for healthy subjects (1.17±0.59). IDDM and NIDDM patients were divided into subgroups by the duration of diabetes mellitus, the presence or absence of microangiopathy, diabetic control levels and types of therapy, to elucidate possible roles of these factors on monocyte function. IDDM patients with the disease duration of less than 5 years as well as 5-10 years showed significantly elevated IL-1 activity as compared with healthy subjects (p<0.001,p<0.05). Likewise, each IDDM subgroup, evidencing no microangiopathy, less than 200mg/dl in FBS, and less than 10% in HbA_1,showed an elevation of IL-1 activity in comparison with healthy subjects (p<0.001,p<0.01,p<0.01). In any group of NIDDM patients, however, no difference of IL-1 activity was found as compared with healthy subjects. PGE_2 production was 15.3±8.4 (mean±SD, ng/ml) and 13.1±8.0,for IDDM and NIDDM respectively, which did not differ significantly from the data obtained from healthy subjects (12.3±7.0). In IDDM patients, the subgroups with the disease duration of 10 or more years or with microangiopathy showed significantly high PGE_2 production in comparison with healthy subjects. In any group of NIDDM patients, no difference of PGE_2 production was found as compared with healthy subjects. In contrast to the findings in systemic lupus erythematosus that IL-1 activity was decreased, PGE_2 production being increased, this study showed that IL-1 activity increased in the presence of unaltered production of PGE_2 so long as the IDDM patients with the disease duration of less than 10 years were concerned. This study also showed that PGE_2 production was increased without alteration of IL-1 activity in patients suffering from IDDM for 10 or more years. These observations suggest that immune disturbances may also exist in the level of monocyte function in IDDM.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1988-03-25
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- 糖尿病におけるinterleukin-1およびprostaglandin E_2の検討