<原報>バグビーとトインビー : 文明の比較研究の方法論をめぐって
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As is well-known, Toynbee's opus magnum, A Study of History, 12 Vols., 1934-61,is dedicated to the comparative study of civilizations. Against his expectations, however, he has had to face harsh and often unfriendly criticisms from all sides ever since the completion of the first ten volumes, the main body, of A Study in 1954. Of all the criticisms he has encountered, Philip Bagby's is perhaps the severest. For his is immanent : his only book, Culture and History : Prolegomena to the Comparative Study of Civilizations, 1958,was intended to put the study on a more rational and scientific base by criticizing his forerunners from the methodological point of view and Toynbee was his main target. Baby's intended criticisms and proposals found, to our surprise, a hearty and hospitable welcome from Toynbee. In the last volume of A Study titled Reconsiderations he appreciated positively Bagby's contributions to the study and referred to and quoted from his book more than 100 times, though Bagby didn't know this because of his untimely death soon after the publication of his book. This essay is concerned chiefly with only two of the problematic points. One is the problem of the difinition of a precise terminology in this field of study, for example, of the concepts such as 'civilization' and 'a civilization' and their related ones, and the other, the problem of the category of secondary or peripheral civilizations as opposed to major ones. Our observations will make clear after all what the true nature of Bagby's criticisms and proposals is and what they mean to Toynbee and the students who are interested in the comparative study of civilizations.
- 共立薬科大学の論文
- 1974-02-25
共立薬科大学 | 論文
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