「アポリア」と「愛知」 : ソクラテスの徳論における
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Socratic dialogue aiming at the definition of ethical virtues like courage, temperance, piety and friendship always reached "Aporia", and Socrates with his companion always had to confess his own ignorance. Then, why his dialogue always had to end in Aporia? I think the reason was in the way of questioning done by Socrates rather than that of answering done by companion. For Socrates never asked the definition of various individual virtues, but the idea of virtue (or virtue itself) which existed through all virtues. -And the idea, so long as it remains idea, has no certain characteristics, so it necessarily cannot be expressed by our words- Then, what aim did Socrates have by daring to ask such an idea and leading the companion to Aporia? I think his aim was to make the companion read in Aporia that what was now questioned was the idea itself. But, if the real object of his dialogue is such an idea as "never expressed by our words", how the philosophy as the practice of his dialogue is pursued? Here we must notice that through Aporia the phase of philosophy is changed from the theoretical one which ended in Aporia to the practical one which now starts from Aporia. What starts newly is the philosophical practice done to testify the correctness of his own idea through all life. This practice is materially performed by three next conducts. First, to live thoroughly our own opinion of Good ; second, never to forget the fact that we live our lives in accordance with the hypothetical Good (or doxa of Good) ; third, to correct our doxa's wrong inclination as much as possible in the way "trial and error", through various experiences tasted in our life-processes. As Socrates told in Crito 48B, "We must keep our minds upon living good more than living alone." Philosophizing seems to mean such a way of life.
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