- 論文の詳細を見る
In tasks which make possible a choice between speed and accuracy, high drive subjects appear to choose high accuracy and slow speed, while low drive subjects appear to prefer high speed and poor accuracy. This paper was designed to examine this assumption. Subjects in the experiment were two groups of ten collegers chosen by the use of motivating instructions to represent high drive and low drive. There was a significant difference between the high and low drive groups in the length of time taken at the 0.05 level for trials 1-8 and at the 0.01 level for trials 9-12 by t test. The high drive group was slower than the low drive group. The results of accuracy score show that there was a significant difference at the 1 per cent level between two groups. The high drive subjects were more accurate and produced fewer errors than the low drive subjects. Reminiscence scores were obtained by subtracting scores on the pre-rest trial (Trial 8) from scores on the first post-rest trial (Trial 9). The rest pause for this test consisted of an interval of 10 min. But their differences were not significant by t test.
- 愛知工業大学の論文
- 1968-12-01
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