- 論文の詳細を見る
The capacitor banks for a shock heated plasma physics experiment will require start gaps. All of these gaps fire simultaneously and switch the capacitor energy into the transmission system and load coil. In this case a spark gap must have a reliable triggering system. Figure 12.1 shows a four-element spark gap and its firing system. This gap mounted directly on a high power capacitor resembles the ordinary three-electrode gap with an additional trigger pin. The capacitor is charged to the positive voltage V. The center electrode connected with the pin through a resistor is biased at a potential midway between the upper and lower electrodes. The center conductors of two trigger cables, (l) and (2), are dc-connected from the main gap bottom electrode through a resistor. This provides a positive bias V for the center conductors. Firing of the master gap, which is a triggered two-electrode gap, shorts the inner conductors of the trigger cables to their outer ones. Two pulses of V/2 rising in about 30 nsec pass down the trigger cables, (1) and (2), respectively. One pulse doubles at the open end of trigger cable (1), and another pulse still passes down through a cable (3) connected to the load coil. This doubled voltage and V/2 across the capacitor C_1 are impressed on the trigger pin, driving it negatively. Simultaneously-V/2 pulse and the half of capacitor C_2 drop put a negative pulse-V on the top electrode of main gap, when the load cable (3) has the same characteristic impedance with the one of the trigger gap cable (2). A potential difference is produced between the trigger pin and the central electrode, causing a spark between the two. This irradiates both main gaps. The center electrode continues to move from V/2 toward-5V/2,tripling the voltage on the first gap. The first gap breaks down and the voltage on the second gap is then 2V. This breaks down, causing the main capacitor to discharge precisely.
- 核融合科学研究所の論文
- 30p-W-3 再結合水素プラズマのn=1,2の準位間の占有密度反転 II
- 3a-N-9 低電離Heθピンチプラズマの数値計算
- 30p-Y-6 再結合プラズマの基底状態と励起状態間の占有密度反転
- カスケード・ギャップの一始動方式