北海道の文化とその形成過程 : 道南地域における儀礼の調査から
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The purpose of this survey is to grasp the feature of the formative process in the wedding reception party with an entry fee, and white and black ceremonial costumes in the South of Hokkaido. The survey was made by means of questionnairing and interviewing in 1992, 1997 and 2001 including Kumaishi-cho. As a result, it was made clear that the wedding reception system with an entry fee began ca. 1960, and spread ca. 1975. As to wedding costumes, a bridegroom wore "montsuki-haori" with "hakama," and a bride wore "kurotomesode" with "shimada-hairstyle" until around 1950, but "kuro-tomesode" was eliminated after 1975. As to mourning costumes, It was very common that men wore white "montsuki-haori" with white "hakama," and women wore white costumes covering their head with a white cloth. Black mourning costumes began to be worn ca. 1955, and became very common qround 1965. A turning point of clothing is found around 1960 also in other southern areas of Hokkaido.
- 北海道教育大学の論文