Morphogenesis of Malformation due to Excessive Vitamin A (?) Morphogenesis of Cleft Palate and its Critical Phase
Baba Tameyoshi
Osaka City University Medical School
Yukioka Kazuo
Osaka City University Medical School
- Experimental Production of Malformations due to Acetyl Salicylate and Phenyl Salicylate in Rats
- Changes in the Rat Fetus' Inner Ear due to an Excessive Vitamin A
- Morphogenesis of Malformation due to Excessive Vitamin A (?) Morphogenesis of Cleft Palate and its Critical Phase
- Morphogenesis of Malformation due to Excessive Vitamin A(V) - Embryological Studies on the Inner Ear Malformation of Rats due to Excesive Vitamin A(V)
- Ein Beitrag zu den Osteoklastenstudien
- Morphogenesis of Malformation due to Excesssive Vitamin A (1) Morphogenesis of Exencephaly
- Morphogenesis of Molformation due to Excessive Vitamin A (?) Morphogenesis of An-or Micr-opthalmus