Reassessment for reference Values for Total Nucleated Cell Count and Myeloid/Erythroid Ratio of Human Bone Marrow Aspirate
Yokomatsu Yasuo
Osaka City University Medical School
Furota A
Osaka City University Medical School
Tsuda Izumi
Osaka City University Medical School
- Deficiency of the Seventh Component of Compement with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- A Determination Method of Blast Formation Rate of Lymphocytes Using a Blood Cell Counter
- Histogram Differential for Bone Marrow Cells by an Automated Electronic Conventional Blood Cell Counting
- Reassessment for reference Values for Total Nucleated Cell Count and Myeloid/Erythroid Ratio of Human Bone Marrow Aspirate
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- Volume Response of Human Red Cells Toward Glucose Solution