Protein Pattern of Mosaic Eggs for Normal and Small Egg Charater in Bombyx mori
DOIRA Hiroshi
Institute of Genetic Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University Graduate School
Doira Hiroshi
Institute Of Genetic Resources Faculty Of Agriculture Kyusyu University Graduate School
Doira Hiroshi
Institute Of Silkworm Genetics And Laboratory Of Sericulture Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu Universit
Kawaguchi Yutaka
Institute of Silkworm Genetics and Laboratory of Sericulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu Univers
Kawaguchi Yutaka
Institute Of Silkworm Genetics And Laboratory Of Sericulture Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu Universit
- Inheritance of gon, a Body Color Mutation of Newly Hatched Larvae in Bombyx mori
- Genetic Analysis of the Maternally Conditioned "Mosaic of Tanaka" Mutation in Bombyx mori
- Comparison of Chorion Structure of Eggs from Bombyx mori, Bombyx mandarina (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) and Their First Filial Generation
- Linkage studies on the "scanty vitellin" egg mutant of Bombyx mori
- カイコ矮小卵における卵黄タンパク質の形成と体液タンパク質
- Inheritance of One Cocoon Shape Mutant Named "Flossy Cocoon" of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori
- Protein Pattern of Mosaic Eggs for Normal and Small Egg Charater in Bombyx mori
- Studies on the genetical and biochemical properties of the Kiuki mutant of the silkworm, Bombyx mori