ρ-Type Testing Function Spaces and a Related Theorem Due to A. H. Zemanian
- On a Korovkin Theorem of Uniform Convergence
- Notes on the Space of Convex Functions
- On Liouville's Differentiation
- Values of Vector-Valued Distributions
- On Hereditarily Periodic Distributions
- On Spaces of Finite Parts of Homogeneous Functions
- On a Generalization of the Interpolation Method
- Lorentz Spaces and the Calderón-Zygmund Theorem
- Representation of a Regular Language By Means of a Finite Deterministic Automaton
- A Note on the Value and the Multiplicative Product of Distributions
- Fractional Powers of an Infinitesimal Generator in the Theory of Semi-Group Distributions
- Values of Vector-Valued Distributions and Smoothness of Semi-Group Distributions
- ρ-Type Testing Function Spaces and a Related Theorem Due to A. H. Zemanian
- On a Generalization of the Interpolation Method Ⅱ
- Note on an Exponential Generating Function of Bell Numbers