Amino Acid Sequence of Short Subfragment-2 from Adult Chicken Gizzard Muscle Myosin
- 論文の詳細を見る
The complete amino acid sequence of the short subfragment- 2 (short S-2) from adult chicken gizzard muscle has been determined by direct analysis of peptides derived from digests of this portion with cyanogen bromide, lysyl endopeptidase and from hydrolysates of CNBr fragments with dilute formic acid. It contains 323 amino acid residues which span the NH2-terminus of the subfragment-2 (S-2) to the NH2 -terminal portion of the hinge region in S-2. Although, structural differences between embryonic and adult chicken gizzard muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) have been suggested, comparison of the amino acid sequence of the short S-2 from adult chicken gizzard muscle MHC with that from embryonic chicken gizzard MHC, deduced from its nucleotide sequence of the cDNA, showed that the sequence were identical. The amino acid sequence of the short S-2 from adult chicken gizzard muscle MHC was compared with the corresponding sequence of chicken brain myosin, Drosophila non-muscle myosin, chicken skeletal muscle myosin and chicken cardiac ventricular muscle myosin. The results show relatively higher sequence identities with chicken brain myosin (76.5%) and Drosophila non-muscle myosin (60.0%) and lower identities with chicken skeletal muscle myosin (36.8%) and chicken cardiac ventricular muscle myosin (36.5%).
- 長崎大学の論文
Bunji Watanabe
The School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University
Bunji Watanabe
The School Of Allied Medical Sciences Nagasaki University
Mihoko Tanigawa
The scho-ol of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University
Mihoko Tanigawa
The Scho-ol Of Allied Medical Sciences Nagasaki University
Watanabe Bunji
The School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University
Tanigawa Mihoko
The scho-ol of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University
- Direct Sequence Analysis of a Cyanogen Bromide-Generated Peptide Corresponding to the Region of Subfragment-1 of Adult Chicken Gizzard Myosin Heavy Chain Predicted to Contain a Seven-Amino Acid Insertion
- Amino Acid Sequence of Short Subfragment-2 from Adult Chicken Gizzard Muscle Myosin