<Review Article>Comparative Studies on O-Methyltransferases involved in Lignin Biosynthesis
- P-549 Biosynthesis of a Phytoalexin in Pinus densiflora
- Roles of Bamboo O-methyltransferase in the Lignin Biosynthesis
- Metal Species in Some Lectins Detected by Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer
- Morphological Observation of the Calli derived from Four Coniferous Species in vitro
- Callus Formation, and Effects of Applied Pressure to the Cultured Cambial Explant of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don)
- A Microcomputer System with an Analogue/Digital Converter for Cytophotometry
- Comparative Studies on O-Methyltransferases involved in Lignin Biosynthesis
- O-Methyltransferase as a Tool to Evaluate the Lignin Evolution
- Fiber Length Measuring System with a Digitizer and a Microcomputer