Wild Horseshoe and Topological Entropy
Nagase Teruo
Department Of Information Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Tokai University
Koriyama Akira
Department Of Mathematical Sciences Faculty Of Science Tokai University
- There Exists No Minimal n-chart of Type (2,2,2)
- A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for a Simplicial Complex to be an Order Complex and its Checking Computer Algorithm
- A Note on Contractibility of Posets
- Ray Tracing of Parametric Surfaces by The Spherical Method with Fine-Structures
- On Expansive Homeomorphisms on Certain Compact Metric Spaces
- A Combinatorial Property of Geometric Quad Trees and Its Application to Texture Mapping
- On Rgeular Homotopies of a Closed Orientable Surface into a 3-manifold
- On Extensions of a Map of the Boundary of the 3-ball into a Homotopy 3-ball
- On Elementary Deformations of Regular Homotopies II
- Wild Horseshoe and Topological Entropy
- A Criterion Beam System for Extensions of a Generic Codimension 1 Immersion from a Closed Manifold into R^n
- Extensions to the Disk of Immersions of the Circle into the Plane
- A Simple Algorithm to Generate Swept-Surface-like Tubes and Non Swept-Surface-like Tubes
- Spherical Data and Ray Tracing of Surfaces in n-dimensional Space
- M_1-set of Cubic Complex Polynomials
- On the Components of Algebraic Links
- There Exists No Minimal n-chart with Five White Vertices
- Properties of minimal charts and their applications II
- On Elementary Deformations of Regular Homotopies I
- On Lie algebras of vector fields on expansive sets