Melting of a Yamato L3 chondrite (Y-74191) up to 30 kbar
- 論文の詳細を見る
Melting phase relations of a Yamato L3 chondrite (Y-74191) have been studied in the pressure range 6 to 30 kbar. Solidus of the chondrite is defined by eutectic melting of Fe-Ni-S at about 950℃ regardless of pressure. At 15 kbar, silicate solidus of the chondrite is about 250℃ higher than the metal/sulfide eutectic solidus and the temperature interval between the two solidi widens as pressure increases. Composition of the metal/sulfide melt changes from FeS-rich to Fe-Ni-rich as temperature increases. Ferrobasaltic liquids containing 18 to 23wt% FeO and 0.2wt% sulfur are produced as partial melts over a large pressure and temperature interval. At low temperatures below the silicate solidus, the metal/sulfide melts are small isolated patches dispersed in grain boundaries of silicate minerals. At high temperatures, the metal/sulfide melts become numerous globules surrounded by silicate melts. Segregation of the ferrobasaltic partial melt on top of the residual olivines and the metal/sulfide globules has been observed. Gravitational settling of the dense metal/sulfide globules, however, did not take place under any experimental condition at least up to 10hr. Based on the partial melting experiments a model for genesis of pallasite meteorite is proposed.
- 国立極地研究所の論文
Takahashi Eiichi
Institute For Advanced Cardiac Therapeutics Keio University School Of Medicine
Takahashi Eiichi
Institute For Thermal Spring Research Okayama University
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