The holomorphic curvature of intrinsic metrics
- Non-Catalytic Low-Temperature Synthesis of Carbon Nanofibers by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition in a CO/Ar/O_2 DC Discharge System
- Effect of Bezafibrate Treatment on the Altered Lipoprotein Profiles in Hypertriglyceridemic Subjects
- Evaluation of Factors during OGTT to Correlate Insulin Resistance in Non-Diabetic Subjects
- A Close Association between Insulin Resistance and Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate in Subjects with Essential Hypertension
- Clinical Impact of Insulin Resistance Syndrome in Cardiovascular Diseases and Its Therapeutic Approach
- Modified Method Using a Somatostatin Analogue, Octreotide (Sandostatin^【〇!R】)to Assess in Vivo Insulin Sensitivity
- The Recovery of Carbon-14 from the Graphite Moderator of a Dismantled Gas-Cooled Reactor through Plasma Chemical Reactions in CO Glow Discharge
- Association of insulin resistance with endothelial dysfunction and common carotid artery wall thickening in essential hypertension
- Overweight patients with severe sleep apnea experience deeper oxygen desaturation at apneic events.
- Long-Term Follow-up of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Following Surgery in Children and Adults
- Screening method for severe sleep-disordered breathing in hypertensive patients without daytime sleepiness
- Effect of Pioglitazone on Vascular Endothelial Function in Nondiabetic Patients with Essential Hypertension
- Effects of Simvastatin on the Number and Composition of ApoproteinB-Containing Lipoproteins in Hypercholesterolemia: Analysis of ApoproteinB in Each Lipoprotein Fraction by Highly Sensitive Latex Method
- Molecular Design of Prostaglandin Probes in Brain Research: High, Specific Binding to a Novel Prostacyclin Receptor in the Central Nervous System
- Prevalence of Complex Sleep Apnea Among Japanese Patients with Sleep Apnea Syndrome
- PTHrP and PTH/PTHrP Receptor Expressions in Human Endometrium
- The Role of Parathyroid Hormone-Related Protein in Intra-Tracheal Fluid
- The Effect of Cytokines on Parathyroid Hormone-Related Protein (PTH-rP) Production in Human Amnion Cells
- In situ Hybridization Histochemistry of c-erbA〆2 mRNA in the Hypothalamus and its Surrounding Structures in the Adult Male Rat
- Effect of Light Intensity on the Photodegradation of PCB 153 in Aqueous Solution using UV and UV/H2O2
- Hydrogen Separation from Products of Methane Reforming Reaction Carried Out in a Plasma Membrane Reactor at Low Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure
- Nitrogen Isotope Separation by Plasma Chemical Reaction in N2-O2 DC Glow Discharge
- On the bifurcations of plane quadratic maps
- Pioglitazone Improves Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Essential Hypertensive Patients with Glucose Intolerance
- Discrepancy in Polysomnography Scoring for a Patient with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome
- Critical Behaviour of the Susceptibility of the Ising Model with a Transverse Field
- Pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase activity in normal tissues of the uterus and ovary and in benign and malignant lesions of these organa
- New Method to Prevent Bladder Dysfunction after Radical Hysterectomy for Uterine Cervical Cancer
- The Role of C2 in Low Temperature Growth of Carbon Nanofibers
- Intrinsic metrics of pseudoconvex domains in C^n
- A note on complex Henon mappings
- Simulation of the Evaporation Phenomenon of Metals by the Lattice Boltzmann Method
- The holomorphic curvature of intrinsic metrics
- Extremal discs on convex domains
- Regular complex geodesics in Thullen domains
- Complex geodesics on convex domains
- Measurements of Currents through Single Molecules of Alkanedithiols by Repeated Formation of Break Junction in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy under Ultrahigh Vacuum
- A note on the Fatou set in complex projective space
- Effect of Molecule–Electrode Contacts on Single-Molecule Conductivity of $\pi$-Conjugated System Measured by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy under Ultrahigh Vacuum
- Electronic Conduction through Single Molecule of New $\pi$-Conjugated System Measured by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Conformational effect on the bridgehead reaction of bicylco[3.3.1]nonan-2-ones. A facile bridgehead deuteration of a bicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-2-one derivative with the cyclohexanone ring locked in the boat conformation.
- Nitrogen Isotope Separation by Plasma Chemical Reaction in N_2-O_2 DC Glow Discharge
- A synthesis of (.+-.)-epi-seychellene.
- Three-component coupling synthesis of prostaglandins: The aldol route.
- Ring opening of oxiranes by trimethylsilyl trifluoromethanesulfonate.