Two-stage spinel growth in the high-grade metapelites of the central Kerala Khondalite Belt : Implication for prograde
Santosh M.
Department Of Natural Environmental Science Faculty Of Science Kochi University
Sajeev K
Chonbuk National Univ. Chonju Kor
Shabeer K.P.
Department of geosciences, faculty of science, Osaka city university
Sajeev K.
Department of earth sciences, Okayama university
Okudaira T.
Department of geosciences, faculty of science, Osaka city university
Shabeer K.p.
Department Of Geosciences Faculty Of Science Osaka City University
Santosh M.
Department Of Geosciences Faculty Of Science Osaka City University:centre For Earth Science Studies
Okudaira T.
Department Of Geosciences Faculty Of Science Osaka City University
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