Hybrid Analysis of Radar Cross Section of Open-Ended Cavity Scatterers by Using Modified Physical Optics and Iterative Physical Optics
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-08-01
ANDO Makoto
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Ando Makoto
Tokyo Inst. Of Technol. Tokyo Jpn
HASABA Ryosuke
Tokyo Institute of Technology
- A Coaxial Feeder with Two Pairs of Parasitic Pins for Realizing Rotationally Symmetric Aperture Illumination in Spiral Array Radial Line Slot Antennas
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- Analysis and Design of a Reflection-Cancelling Transverse Slot-Pair Array with Grating-Lobe Suppressing Baffles
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- B-1-69 Design of a Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna on the Thick Resin of a Silicon Chip
- B-1-54 Full Array Optimization of a Linear, Edge Slot Array with Low Sidelobes
- B-1-73 LTCC Partially-Filled Oversized Rectangular Waveguide-Fed Slot Array in the Millimeter-Wave Band
- B-1-57 Radial Line Slot Antenna with an Elliptical Beam
- A Coaxial Feeder with Two Pairs of Parasitic Pins for Realizing Rotationally Symmetric Aperture Illumination in Spiral Array Radial Line Slot Antennas
- Practical Slot Array Design by Method of Moments Using One Basis Function and Constant Correction Length
- A Center-Feed Linear Array of Reflection-Canceling Slot Pairs on Post-Wall Waveguide
- Fresnel Zone Criterion to Implement Locality in the Method of Moments and PO-MoM Hybrid Method for the Reduction of Unknowns
- B-1-150 Transmission Loss of the LTCC Partially-Filled Single Mode Waveguide in the Millimeter-Wave Band
- Special Section on Recent Progress in Electromagnetic Theory and Its Application
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- Eigenmode Analysis of Propagation Constant for a Microstrip Line with Dummy Fills on a Si CMOS Substrate
- B-1-70 Loss Evaluation and Bandwidth Enhancement of LTCC Single-mode Waveguide Slot Array with Air Region in the Millimeter-Wave Band
- B-1-66 Study of Cylindrical wave propagation in Honeycomb for use in mm-wave RLSA
- Localization of Radiation Integrals Using the Fresnel Zone Numbers
- Hybrid Analysis of Radar Cross Section of Open-Ended Cavity Scatterers by Using Modified Physical Optics and Iterative Physical Optics
- An Equivalent Double Layer Model for a Fast Design and Analysis of High Gain-Multilayer Radial Line Slot Antennas
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