- 論文の詳細を見る
Intrusion detection is considered effective in control systems. Sequences of the control application behavior observed in the communication, such as the order of the control device to be controlled, are important in control systems. However, most intrusion detection systems do not effectively reflect sequences in the application layer into the detection rules. In our previous work, we considered utilizing sequences for intrusion detection in control systems, and demonstrated the usefulness of sequences for intrusion detection. However, manually writing the detection rules for a large system can be difficult, so using machine learning methods becomes feasible. Also, in the case of control systems, there have been very few observed cyber attacks, so we have very little knowledge of the attack data that should be used to train the intrusion detection system. In this paper, we use an approach that combines CRF (Conditional Random Field) considering the sequence of the system, thus able to reflect the characteristics of control system sequences into the intrusion detection system, and also does not need the knowledge of attack data to construct the detection rules.
- 電気学会の論文
- 2012-01-01
木内 舞
財団法人電力中央研究所 システム技術研究所
小野田 崇
(財)電力中央研究所 システム技術研究所
木内 舞
(財) 電力中央研究所 システム技術研究所
小野田 崇
(財) 電力中央研究所 システム技術研究所
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