都市用水の水利体系と流域の地域的条件 : 那珂川流域と鬼怒・小貝川流域を事例として
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to propose a method for analyzing regional factors to understand the quantitative characteristics of water supply-demand system on watershed scale. The Naka River basin and the Kinu-Kokai River basin are the study areas selected for a comparative discussion. In particular, urban residential water supply systems of Mito and Mitsukaido cities, which are located in far downstream areas of the Naka and Kinu-Kokai River basins, respectively, are surveyed. In this study, three regional factors are examined— landform, land use, and water rights. Concretely, basin form ratio and basin relief ratio by main tributary basin are calculated first. Then, land use combination types by tributary basin are clarified using modified Weavers method. Finally, the spatial and quantitative characteristics of water demand in the Naka and Kinu-Kokai River basins are analyzed with data on water rights. As a result of the case study, the analytical indicators and methodological approach this study proposes demonstrate their utility in a discussion of problems associated with urban water resources on watershed scale.
- 2009-08-25
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