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X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) study of 3d transition metal hydrides FeH, CoH, and NiH is presented. The hydrogen effects on the electronic structure and magnetic states have been investigated. This study reveals that ferromagnetic Ni transforms to nonmagnetic NiH, whereas FeH and CoH remain ferromagnetic after the hydrogenation. The XMCD profiles indicate that the electronic states of 3d electron near the Fermi energy are modified as a result of the hydrogenation. In this article, the stability of the ferromagnetic state in FeH and CoH is also discussed.
- 2011-08-20
- 21aHK-10 Magnetic EXAFSによるFe-Niインバー合金の局所磁気構造の研究(21aHK 光電子分光(超伝導・磁性・強相関系)・MCD・X線発光,領域5(光物性))
- X線磁気円二色性による高圧物性の研究
- 13aZA-13 光電子顕微鏡 (PEEM) を用いた鉄隕石の nano-XAFS 測定(液体金属, 領域 6)
- 24pXD-7 光電子顕微鏡(PEEM)を用いたFeNi鉄隕石の磁区構造解析(領域9, 領域3合同表面・界面磁性,領域9(表面・界面, 結晶成長))
- 24pXD-7 光電子顕微鏡(PEEM)を用いたFeNi鉄隕石の磁区構造解析(表面・界面磁性,領域9,領域3合同)
- 硬X線磁気円二色性による高圧下での磁性研究 : 複合環境(高圧, 強磁場, 低温)下測定技術の開発
- X線磁気円二色性でみる3d遷移金属水素化物の磁気状態
- 磁性材料とXMCDによる磁性研究