The first occurrence of leaf mold of tomato caused by races 4.9 and 4.9.11 of Passalora fulva (syn. Fulvia fulva) in Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2009-02-01
池田 健太郎
Faculty Of Textile Science And Technology Shinshu University
池田 健太郎
Ikeda Kentaro
Gunma Agricultural Technology Center
Chiba Prefectural Agriculture Research Center
KUBOTA Masaharu
National Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science
Iida Yuichiro
National Institute Of Vegetable And Tea Science
Sakai Takako
Mikado Kyowa Seed Co. Ltd
ENYA Junichiro
Mikado Kyowa Seed Co., Ltd
Fukushima Agricultural Technology Centre
HIGASHI Takahiko
Kumamoto Prefectural Agricultural Research Center
NISHI Kazufumi
Japan Fumigation Technology Association
Enya Junichiro
Mikado Kyowa Seed Co. Ltd
Higashi Takahiko
Kumamoto Prefectural Agricultural Res. Center Kumamoto Jpn
Kubota Masaharu
National Inst. Vegetable And Tea Sci. Tsu Jpn
Ikeda Kentaro
Sci. Technol. And Environment Of The State Of Para (sectam) Para Bra
Ikeda Kentaro
Plant Regulation Research Center Toyo University
Ikeda Kentaro
Science Technology And Environment Of The State Of Para (sectam)
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