Effects of NDSB, amyloid formation inhibitor, on protein structure
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-03-01
Sugase Kenji
Suntory Institute for Bioorganic research
Enomoto Mayu
Dept. Chem. Chem. Biol. Graduate School Of Engineering Gunma Univ.
Wakamatsu Kaori
Department Of Chemistry And Chemical Biology Graduate School Of Engineering Gunma University
Wakamatsu Kaori
Department Of Biological And Chemical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Gunma University
Wakamatsu Kaori
Gunma University
Wang Haimei
Gunma University
Nameki Nobukazu
Gunma University
Nameki Nobuyuki
Dept. Chem. Chem. Biol. Graduate School Of Engineering Gunma Univ.
Nameki Nobukazu
Graduate School Of Engineering Gunma University
Gunma University
Sugase Kenji
Suntory Foundation For Life Sciences
Wakamatsu Kaori
Gunma Univ.
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