Report on 2010 AEESEAP Workshop towards Washington Accord
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AEESEAP is the acronym for the Association for Engineering Education in Southeast and East Asia and the Pacific. The Association was formed in 1973 with the support of UNESCO. During the 36 years of development, however, the economic situation drastically changed among the member countries and AEESEAP must seek for new approach to achieve the aims and goals established at the beginning. The Executive Meeting held in Tokyo in 2008 was a turning point to adjust the AEESEAP activities to cope with new development. Accreditation of engineering education program is very important issue internationally, and AEESEAP decided to have a workshop towards one of the international accreditation program, Washington Accord. This paper describes the workshop held in May, 2010 in Manila, Philippines.
- 公益社団法人 日本工学教育協会の論文
- 2010-11-20
Guevara Rowena
Aeeseap:university Of Philippines
Fujita Hajime
Nihon Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Gao Hong
Aeeseap:tsinghua University
Guevara Rowena
University Of Philippines
GAO Hong
Tsinghua University
Fujita Hajime
Nihon University
- W-11 Report on 2010 AEESEAP Workshop towards Washington Accord(International Session)
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- Report on 2010 AEESEAP Workshop towards Washington Accord
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