電子材料部品における知的財産戦略 : IP based Consortium の活用
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The number of patent for fine particle, one of the hottest topics of electrical materials and components, indicates the steady increase. Although Japanese patent still remains the same number as last decade in this field, Chinese patent has been increased rapidly in recent years.IP strategy for electrical materials and components fields is facing the new stages. Advanced IP strategy is tend to cooperative rather than competitive, because recent green related technologies, including new electrical materials and components, put emphasize on sustainable system which require the maximization of the benefit for all participant.This article proposed the new IP usage, IP based consortium, which can avoid the patent infringement case among the consortium members. In addition, IP based consortium can be functioned as the neutral and fairness organization to pool members fee and to distribute dividend to the contributors.
- 2010-10-15
- 特許から見たシステムインパッケージ技術動向解析と技術戦略
- 電子材料部品における知的財産戦略 : IP based Consortium の活用
- CT-2-1 グリーンパワーICに関する特許出願動向分析とビジネス戦略の提言 : 平成22年度特許出願技術動向調査「グリーンパワーIC」(CT-2.ワイドギャップ半導体パワーデバイスの現状と展望,チュートリアルセッション,ソサイエティ企画)