特集号 : 「膜マイクロドメインの構成と機能」
Iwabuchi Kazuhisa
Institute For Environmental And Gender Specific Medicine Juntendo University Graduate School Of Medi
Iwabuchi Kazuhisa
Institute For Environmental And Gender-specific Medicine Juntendo University Graduate School Of Medi
Prinetti Alessandro
Dipartimento Di Chimica Biochimica E Biotecnologie Per La Medicina Universita Degli Studi Di Milano
Research Planning and Promotion Department, Central Research Laboratories SEIKAGAKU CORPORATION
Shogomori Hidehiko
Research Planning And Promotion Department Central Research Laboratories Seikagaku Corporation
Iwabuchi Kazuhisa
Institute For Environment And Gender Specific Medicine Juntendo University Graduate School Of Medicine
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- 特集号 : 「膜マイクロドメインの構成と機能」
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