- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1995-12-01
- 前庭神経炎の長期観察
- 頭位眩暈症に対する浮遊耳石置換法の効果
- 高齢モルモットの前庭代償機能
- 末梢性頭位眼振の種々の変化
- 外傷後の頭位性めまい症例の神経耳科的検討
- 動的体平衡機能検査(EquiTest)による直立姿勢維持機構の評価
- 第6回中耳炎国際シンポジウムに参加して
- メニエール病の迷路病態を反映した眼振の態度
- Aural Vertigo Tested by Trapezoid Rotation in Contraves' Computerized Rotary Chair System
- Comparison of Irritative Nystagmus and Paralytic Nystagmus in Eighty Patients with Unilateral Vestibular Disorder
- Character of Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction Tested by Computerized Rotary Chair System
- Relation between the Change of Patients' Vertigo and the Result of Trapezoid Rotaition Test in Unilateral Peripheral Vestibular Disorder
- Possibility of predicting the next episode of vertigo in Meniere's disease:with special reference to the diagnostic value of Contraves' computerized rotary chair system
- Sulpiride (Dogmatyl) treatment of pharyngo-laryngeal abnormal sensation.
- 遅発性内リンパ水腫の臨床像:コントラバス台形方式コンピューター回転検査による検討
- Neurotological findings in syphilis of the labyrinth.
- Evaluation of laryngeal function after reconstruction following laryngeal injury.
- Steroid therapy for syphilis of the labyrinth.
- Kabuki Make-up Syndrome; A Case Report.
- Pathophysiology of Peripheral Positional Vertigo.
- Relation between Fluctuation of Hearing Loss and Results of Vestibular Test in Meniere's Disease:with Special Reference to Investigation by Contraves' Computerized Rotary Chair System
- Wegener's granulomatosis with facial nerve paralysis; A case report.:A Case Report
- 回転検査の成績判定に影響を与える因子:コントラバス・コンピューター回転検査システムによる検討