- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-07-15
廣本 祥子
廣本 祥子
Metallic Biomaterials Group Biomaterials Center National Inst. For Materials Sci.
廣本 祥子
- ナノテクノロジーを利用した生体材料研究
- Niフリーステンレス鋼の生体材料としての表面特性
- 材料と環境2007報告
- 第26回日韓セラミックスセミナー
- Zr基バルクアモルファス合金の疑似体液中フレッティング疲労特性
- Pd_Si_Cu_6-_χCr_χアモルファス合金の疑似体液中における分極挙動
- 生体内環境における金属材料とその表面改質
- 様々な流速の疑似体液中での純マグネシウムの腐食挙動
- Polarization Behavior of Bulk Zr-Base Amorphous Alloy Immersed in Cell Culture Medium
- Surface Characterization of Amorphous Zr-Al-(Ni, Cu) Alloys Immersed in Cell-Culture Medium
- Corrosion Behavior of Zr_Al_Ni_Cu_ Amorphous Alloy for Biomedical Use
- 生体用金属材料の細胞培養環境中での腐食挙動の解析
- 東京医科歯科大学 生体材料工学研究所素材研究部門 金属材料分野(塙研究室)
- EPFLで過ごして
- Material Report R&D アモルファス合金の生体材料への応用
- Polarization Behavior of Pure Magnesium under a Controlled Flow in a NaCl Solution
- Fatigue Behaviors and Microstructures in an Extruded Mg-Al-Zn Alloy
- Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Composite Structure by Warm Spraying of Zr-Base Metallic Glass
- Friction-Wear Properties of Nickel-Free Co-Cr-Mo Alloy in a Simulated Body Fluid
- Effects of Biological Factors on the Repassivation Current of Titanium
- XPS Characterization of the Surface Oxide Film of 316L Stainless Steel Samples that were Located in Quasi-Biological Environments
- Surface Characterization and Anodic Polarization of Nitrogen-Ion-Implanted Nickel-Free Co-Cr-Mo Alloy
- Friction-Wear Properties of Nitrogen-Ion-Implanted Nickel-Free Co-Cr-Mo Alloy
- Fretting Fatigue Properties of Zr-Based Bulk Amorphous Alloy in Phosphate-Buffered Saline Solution
- Surface Oxide Films on Titanium Alloys Regenerated in Hanks' Solution
- 第1回構造材料国際クラスターシンポジウム
- Characterization of the Surface Oxide Film of Nickel-free Austenitic Stainless Steel Located in Simulated Body Environments
- Surface Modification of Titanium Utilizing a Repassivation Reaction in Aqueous Solutions
- Development of New Ti-Fe-Ta and Ti-Fe-Ta-Zr System Alloys for Biomedical Applications
- Thermodynamic Structural Stability and Polarization Behavior of Cast Amorphous Alloy
- Corrosion Behavior of Nickel-Free High Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel in Simulated Biological Environments