- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-12-01
村田 拓也
樋口 隆
樋口 隆
村田 拓也
Higuchi T
Fukui Medical Univ. Fukui Jpn
Higuchi Takashi
Dep. Of Physiology Fac. Of Medical Sciences Univ. Of Fukui
Higuchi Takashi
Department Of Physiology Faculty Of Medical Sciences University Of Fukui
Higuchi Takashi
Department Of Integrative Physiology Faculty Of Medical Sciences University Of Fukui
- Electrical Activities of Neurones in the Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Nucleus Projecting to the Supraoptic Nucleus During Milk-ejection Reflex in the Rat
- Effects of Unilateral Electrolytic Lesion of the Dorsomedial Nucleus of the Hypothalamus on Milk-ejection Reflex in the Rat
- ラット性周期における子宮オキシトシンレセプターおよびエストロゲンレセプターmRNA量の変化(生理学)
- 中脳結合腕傍核が視床下部視索上核のオキシトシンおよびバゾプレッシン産生細胞の電気活動調節に果たす役割
- 偽妊娠ラットにおける子宮オキシトシンレセプターおよびエストロゲンレセプターmRNAの変化(生理学)
- 運動を起こす視床下部--視床下部走行ニューロンによる本能的な走行運動の発現 (特集 脳のはたらきと運動)
- オレキシンの下垂体ホルモン分泌および性周期に及ぼす役割 (特集 脳の遺伝子--どこでどのように働いているのか)
- 妊娠、分娩、授乳期および性周期中のラット子宮プロゲステロン受容体mRNA量の変化
- Differential Regulation of Estrogen Receptor α and β mRNAs in the Rat Uterus during Pregnancy and Labor : Possible Involvement of Estrogen Receptors in Oxytocin Receptor Regulation
- Role of Midbrain Parabrachial Nucleus in Controlling Electrical Activity of Oxytocin and Vasopressin Secreting Neurones in the Hypothalamic Supraoptic Nucleus
- Estrogens inhibit food intake in CCK-1 receptor-deficient rats
- Pulsatile Secretion of Prolactin and Oxytocin During Nursing in the Lactating Rat
- Leptin resistance does not induce hyperphagia in the rat
- Effect of rise in plasma osmotic pressure on the milk-ejection reflex in the rat.