Dilution of Boar Ejaculates with BTS Containing HEPES in Place of Bicarbonate Immediately After Ejaculation Can Reduce the Increased Inducibility of the Acrosome Reaction by Treatment with Calcium and Calcium Ionophore A23187, Which is Potentially Associa
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The present study investigated whether substitution of HEPES for bicarbonate in BTS (BTS-H) used to dilute boar ejaculates immediately after ejaculation could reduce the increased inducibility of the acrosome reaction by calcium and calcium ionophore A23187. When an ejaculate was split, diluted 5-fold with regular BTS (BTS-B) and BTS-H and stored at 17 C for 12 h or 60 h, the extender or storage time had no significant influence on sperm motility or viability measured by the eosin-nigrosin method. When spermatozoa diluted serially with BTS-B and stored (36 h) were stimulated with Ca2+ (3 mM) and A23187 (0.3 μM), the proportion of spermatozoa that underwent the acrosome reaction (% acrosome reactions) significantly increased as the magnifications of dilution increased (bicarbonate content almost unchanged by dilution). By contrast, the % acrosome reactions in spermatozoa similarly diluted and stored with BTS-H decreased with the increasing magnifications of dilution (bicarbonate decreased). Sperm motility immediately after the end of incubation without A23178 tended to be lower for BTS-H than BTS-B, and the ejaculates for BTS-H had a tendency to have a lower total protein in seminal plasma than those for BTS-B. These results implied that the samples for BTS-H could be used as a model for ejaculates possibly collected during summer and showing subfertility. When an ejaculate was split, diluted serially with BTS-B and BTS-H and stored, viability measured by staining with propidium iodide was extremely similar between the 2 extenders and among the different dilution magnifications, regardless of whether spermatozoa were washed (stored for 36-66 h) or not (stored for 66-72 h). These results suggest that boar ejaculate can be stored with BTS-H at least according to the results for sperm motility and viability and that hypersensitivity of spermatozoa to Ca2+ and A23187 potentially associated with boar subfertility could be lessened by diluting ejaculates with BTS-H.
- 2010-06-01
Murase Tetsuma
Laboratory of Theriogenology, Division of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Applied Biological Science
Imaeda Noriaki
Laboratory of Internal Medicine, Division of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Applied Biological Scie
Yamada Hiroto
Swine Research Department, Gifu Prefectural Livestock Research Institute
Laboratory of Theriogenology, Division of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Applied Biological Science
Swine Research Department, Gifu Prefectural Livestock Research Institute
KATOH Tsutomu
Gifu Prefectural Livestock Research Institute
Murase T
United Graduate School Of Veterinary Sciences Gifu University
Murase Tetsuma
Lab. Of Theriogenology Div. Of Veterinary Medicine Fac. Of Applied Biological Sciences Gifu Univ.
Yamada Hiroto
Swine Research Department Gifu Prefectural Livestock Research Institute
Takasu Masaki
Laboratory Of Theriogenology Division Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Of Applied Biological Sciences
Taguchi Kazuo
Swine Research Department Gifu Prefectural Livestock Research Institute
Imaeda Noriaki
Laboratory Of Internal Medicine Division Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Of Applied Biological Scienc
Murase Tetsuma
Laborartoty Of Veterinary Theriogenology Gifu University
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- Dilution of Boar Ejaculates with BTS Containing HEPES in Place of Bicarbonate Immediately After Ejaculation Can Reduce the Increased Inducibility of the Acrosome Reaction by Treatment with Calcium and Calcium Ionophore A23187, Which is Potentially Associa
- Dilution of Boar Ejaculates with BTS Containing HEPES in Place of Bicarbonate Immediately After Ejaculation Can Reduce the Increased Inducibility of the Acrosome Reaction by Treatment with Calcium and Calcium Ionophore A23187, Which is Potentially Associa
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