Overlapped and differential expression of cAMP-dependent kinase-inhibitor isoforms during avian organogenesis period
Wakamatsu Yoshio
Center For Translational And Advanced Animal Research On Human Diseases Division Of Developmental Ne
Wakamatsu Yoshio
Center For Translational And Advanced Animal Research On Human Diseases Division Of Developmental Ne
- REGULATORY MECHANISMS OF CRANIAL NEURAL CREST FORMATION IN QUAIL EMBRYO(Developmental Biology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Deltex/Dtx mediates NOTCH signaling in regulation of Bmp4 expression in cranial neural crest formation during avian development
- Sox genes regulate type 2 collagen expression in avian neural crest cells
- Overlapped and differential expression of cAMP-dependent kinase-inhibitor isoforms during avian organogenesis period