- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical results of arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff tears involving the subscapularis tendon. 10 patients (10 shoulders: 7 males and 3 females) with rotator cuff tears involving subscapularis tendon between October 2006 and May 2008 were evaluated. The mean age of the patients at the time of the surgery was 64.5 years old. 8 cases were traumatic. The mean interval between their diagnosis and the surgery was 3.3 months. The mean follow-up period was 10.9 months. The size of subscapularis tendon tear was classified with Ides classification. 1 case was articular side tear, 6 cases were superior 1/3 (superior 1/2 of tendon portion) tears, 3 cases were superior 2/3 (all tendon portion) tears. We had no cases of all (tendon and muscular portion) tear. 1 case had a concomitant supraspinatus tear, and 9 cases had concomitant supraspinatus and infraspinatus tears. We performed single-row repair for 2 cases, and double-row repair for 8 cases. The clinical results were evaluated with use of the active range of motion of the shoulder joint, the JOA score and postoperative MRI. The mean active flexion had improved from 106 degrees to 164 degrees. The mean active abduction had improved from 99 degrees to 165 degrees. The mean external rotation had decreased from 69 degrees to 61 degrees. The mean JOA score improved from 65.9 to 92.1, and the pain score improved from 10.5 to 25.0 during follow-up. The repair integrity of subscapularis tendon was classified with Sugayas classification. 5 cases were Type 1, 4 cases were Type 2, and a case was Type 3. Postoperative MRI showed no re-tear of subscapularis tendon. We conclude that the size and retraction of subscapularis tendon correlated with the postoperative repair integrity.
- 2009-07-27
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