- 論文の詳細を見る
Understanding the shape of an organ is important because it is representative of the condition of an organ in case of diseases affecting it. The intensity and the phase distribution in MRI image are influenced by the system and the object. The influences in the distribution could be changed by the type of the organ. In this paper, we discuss a method that was developed to evaluate the shape of organs in MR images based on the anisotropy in the intensity or phase distribution. First, the entire intensity range or the phase is divided into intervals. The bounding rectangle for the particle, comprising neighboring points in each divided range, is used to recognize the object based on the elongation direction of the rectangle. This method can be applied to images obtained by phase-contrast, gradient-echo, and spin-echo methods. All the results demonstrate the efficiency of this method in recognizing the outline of the object. Moreover, the distribution anisotropy in the object differed from that in its outside. The result would make the method better.
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
- 2007-10-01
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