- 論文の詳細を見る
Almost all engineers who were born during the postwar several years should have done their best merely to support themselves and Japanese people and to reconstruct Japan just as a servant of the public. After having reached the summit of economy followed by achieving “Japan as No. 1” based upon their such reckless hard-working results, they unexpectedly encountered the collapse of the bubble economy, even worse, with a variety of engineering-orientated industries-based environmental issues. As one of such engineers, upon deep reflection, the author would like to advise that the younger generation engineers in this 21st century should do their best efforts to evolve society for better future on the basis of their own future-oriented decision. To do this, engineers should be more flexible in thinking and learn widely out of their specialty. Based upon experience, the author also wants to offer them some ideas like on what basis a decision is made, how symbolic characters on engineering substitutes should be, what is engineering fact, how to verify the engineering fact, the importance of “and” instead of “or” or the concept of “4 : 4 : 2” for them to fulfill their engineers missions in a better way.
- 公益社団法人 日本工学教育協会の論文
- 2006-05-20
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