Determination of Hexabromocyclododecane Diastereoisomers and Tetrabromobisphenol A in Water and Sediment by Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
SUZUKI Shigeru
Research Center for Quantum Effect Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Hasegawa Atsuko
Environmental Conservation Division Kanagawa Environmental Research Center
Suzuki Shigeru
Research Center For Material Cycles National Institute For Environmental Studies
- Electric Field-Effect Enhancement by a Combination of Coplanar High-Tc Superconducting Devices with Step-Edge Junctions
- Electric Properties of Coplanar High-T_c Superconducting Field-Effect Devices
- Determination of Hexabromocyclododecane Diastereoisomers and Tetrabromobisphenol A in Water and Sediment by Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry