A New Aspect to the Question, "How Can We Determine the Functional Viability of Donor Lungs?"
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1999-04-01
- Allelic Loss on 17p13 (TP53) and Allelic Loss on 3p21 in Early Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lung
- Increased Alveolar Fluid Clearance Following Thoracotomy: Report of a Case and Results of an Analysis
- Hypothermia Inhibits the Alveolar Epithelial Injury Caused by Hyposmotic Albumin Solution During Preservation of the Resected Human Lung
- Infiltration of CD8^+ T cells in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer is Associated with Dedifferentiation of Cancer Cells, but not with Prognosis
- Assessment of Predisposing Factors Affecting Bronchial Anastomotic Complications in Bronchoplastic Surgery
- Effects of Hypothermia and Hyperpotassium on Alveolar Fluid Clearance in the Resected Human Lung
- Functional Evaluations for Pulmonary Resection for Lung Cancer in Octogenarians : Investigation from Postoperative Complications
- α-Adrenergic Blockade in Preventing Posttransplant Edema of Lung Allograft
- Infrequent Genetic Alterations of the PTEN/MMAC1 Gene in Japanese Patients with Primary Cancers of the Breast, Lung, Pancreas, Kidney, and Ovary
- Superoxide Anion Mediates Pulmonary Vascular Permeability Caused by Neutrophils in Cardiopulmonary Bypass
- Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery in Japan During 1997 : Annual Report by the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery
- Stimulated Neutrophils Evoke Signal Transduction to Increase Vascular Permeability in Rat Lungs
- Left Sleeve Pneumonectomy Performed Through a Clamshell Incision with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Bronchogenic Carcinoma: Report of Two Cases
- A GT dinucleotide repeat polymorphism in intron 1 of the H-cadherin (CDH13) gene
- Cyclooxygenase Metabolites Possibly Produced by Endothelial Cells Mediate the Lung Injury Caused by Mechanically Stimulated Leukocytes
- Roles of the Visceral Pleura in the Production of Pleural Effusion in Permeability Pulmonary Edema
- Simultaneous Estimation of Filtration Variables in Isolated Rat Lungs in Zone 3 Conditions
- The Significance of Surgery for Bulky N2 Small-Cell Lung Cancer : A Clinical and In Vitro Analysis of Long-Term Survivors
- Long-Term Survival of a Patient with Stage IV Pulmonary Large Cell Carcinoma Achieved by Combined-Modality Therapy : Report of a Case
- Long-Term Survival of a Poor-Risk Octogenarian Following Wedge Resection Under VATS for Small-Cell Lung Cancer : Report of a Case
- Combined Modality Therapy Including Surgery for Stage III : Small-Cell Lung Cancer on the Basis of the Sensitivity Assay In Vitro
- The Significance of NSE and CEA as a Differentiation Marker for the Cellular Heterogeneity of Small Cell Lung Cancer
- The Marked Anticancer Effect of Combined VCR, MTX, and Indomethacin Against Drug-Resistant Recurrent Small Cell Lung Carcinoma After Conventional Chemotherapy: Report of a Case
- The Establishment of Sublines with Opposite Chemosensitivity from a Patient with Pulmonary Large Cell Carcinoma and the Implementation of Treatment Based on Tumor Heterogeneity
- Modulating Activity of Indomethacin to Vincristine Cytotoxicity in Various Human Carcinoma Cells
- Indomethacin Enhances the Cytotoxicity of VCR and ADR in Human Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma Cells
- A New Aspect to the Question, "How Can We Determine the Functional Viability of Donor Lungs?"