A New, Highly Sensitive Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer Consisting of a Flangeon-type Conical Ion Lens System and a Proto-type Daly Detector for Exhaust Gas Analysis Based on the Jet-REMPI Technique
Fujii Masaaki
Chemical Resources Lab., Tokyo Inst. of Tech.
Hayashi Shun-ichi
Nippon Steel Corp.
Hayashi Shun-ichi
Nippon Steel Corporation
Fujii Masaaki
Chemical Resources Lab. Tokyo Inst. Of Tech.
Fujii Masaaki
Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Fujii Masaaki
Chemical Resources Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
ISHIUCHI Shun-ichi
Tokyo Institute of Technology
SUZUKI Tetsuya
Nippon Steel Technoresearch Corp.
HAYASHI Shun-ichi
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University
ISHIUCHI Shun-ichi
Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology
SAEKI Morihisa
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Ishiuchi Shun-ichi
Chemical Resources Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Saeki Morihisa
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
HAYASHI Shunichi
Nippon Steel Corp.
Hayashi Shun-ichi
Graduate School Of Environmental Studies Tohoku University
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