Macrochelid mite fauna in the eastern part of the Lesser Sunda Islands, with description of two new species
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2005-06-25
Zoology Division, Research Center for Biology, LIPI
Kojima Jun-ichi
Natural History Laboratory Faculty Of Science Ibaraki University
Katakura H
Hokkaido Univ. Hokkaido Jpn
Katakura Haruo
Division of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
Katakura Haruo
Division Of Sciences Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
Katakura Haruo
Division Of Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
Katakura Haruo
Division Of Biological Sience Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
Hartini S
Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense Cibinong Idn
Hartini Sri
Zoology Division (museum Zoologicum Bogoriense) Research Center For Biology-lipi
Kojima Junichi
Toshiba Co. Ltd.
Biological Laboratory, Hokkaido University of Education
Takaku Gen
Biological Laboratory Hokkaido University Of Education
Katakura Haruo
Division Of Biological Science Graduate School Of Science Hokkaido University
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- Mites of the genus Holostaspella (Acari : Gamasida : Macrochelidae) in Indonesia
- Taxonomic notes on the paper wasps of the genus Ropalidia in the Indian subcontinent (Hymenoptera : Vespidae)
- Polistes formosanus Sonan, 1927 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), a good species supported by both morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses, and a key social wasp in understanding the historical biogeography of the Nansei Islands
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- Phylogenetic Analysis and Biogeography of the Nocturnal Hornets, Provespa (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Vespinae)
- Taxonomy and biogeography of Australian species of the Ropalidia stigma group and R. variegata group (Hymenoptera : Vespidae)
- Species of Epilachna Ladybird Beetles
- REPRODUCTIVE ISOLATION OF PHYTOPHAGOUS LADYBIRD BEETLES IN THE FIELD CAGES(Taxonomy and Systematics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
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- Subspecies of Vespa crabro in two different papers by Birula in 1925
- Affinities of the Australian Paper Wasp Ropalidia proletaria (Insecta : Hymenoptera : Vespidae), with Descriptions of Males, Mature Larvae, and a Nest
- Mites of family Macrochelidae (Acari : Gamasida) associated with dung beetles in Mt Merapi National Park, Jogyakarta, Java, Indonesia
- Scouting Behavior of the Japanese Slave-Making Ant, Polyergus samurai (Hymenoptera : Formicidae)
- Two new species of the cryptic chrysidid parasitoid subfamily Loboscelidiinae : The second species in Rhadinoscelidia and the first Loboscelidia for the Indonesian fauna
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- フィリピンのハエダニ類 (ダニ亜綱 : ヤドリダニ団 : ハエダニ科)
- Colony cycle in the south-eastern coastal populations of Ropalidia plebeiana, the only Ropalidia wasp occurring in temperate Australia