Gaussian Source One-Boson-Exchange Potential between Two Octet Baryons(Nuclear Physics)
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The nonstatic baryon-baryon potential arising from the Gaussian meson source function, G_i exp (-Λ^2_ir^2/4), is constructed by exchanging the scalar, pseudoscalar and vector meson nonets, where G_i is the strength and Λ_i the size parameter of source i (i=1, 2). This potential is referred to as GSOBEP. It has no singularity at the origin. In this potential, the radial function behaves like the Yukawa function in the outer region (r≥1fm), and like the Yukawa function multiplied by the error function in the inner region (r≤1fm). The Gaussian source is assumed to originate from the statistical distribution of valence quarks and many sea quarks. The potential parameters consist of the SU(3) parameters, such as the singlet and octet coupling constants, g1 and g8, the coupling ratio α=9F/(gD+gF), the singlet-octet mixing angle θ for each meson, and the effective source size parameter, expressed as Λ=Λ_1Λ_2/√<Λ^2_1+Λ^2_2>. The potential parameters are determined by the χ^2-fitting to the nucleon-nucleon, hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon data. The fit is quite good on the whole.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2005-06-25
Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University
WADA Masanobu
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
Wada Masanobu
College Of Science And Technology Nihon University
Shinmura S
Faculty Of Engineering Gifu University
Shinmura Shoji
Faculty Of Engineering Gifu University
Nakagawa Kimiko
College Of Science And Technology Nihon University
Arisaka Isamu
Chiba Institute Of Technology
Wada Masanobu
Nihon Univ. Funabashi Jpn
- Meson-Baryon Potentials by One-Hadron-Exchange Mechanisms with Gaussian Sources(Nuclear Physics)
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- Gaussian Source One-Boson-Exchange Potential between Two Octet Baryons(Nuclear Physics)
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- Gaussian Source One-Boson-Exchange Potential between Two Octet Baryons(Nuclear Physics)