山崎 健太郎
山崎 健太郎
聖マリアンナ医科大学 法医
山崎 健太郎
Department of Legal Medicine, St. Marianna University School of Medicine
GILG Thomas
Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Munich
Center of Legal Medicine, University of Frankfurt am Main
MEYER Ludwig
Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Munich
Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Munich
Gilg Thomas
Institute Of Forensic Medicine University Of Munich
Meyer Ludwig
Institute Of Forensic Medicine University Of Munich
Kauert Gerold
Center Of Legal Medicine University Of Frankfurt Am Main
Eisenmenger Wolfgang
Institute Of Forensic Medicine University Of Munich
- ヒト臓器中のメタロチオネイン濃度 : -第2報-腎、肺、膵臓について
- アルコール乱用者における心筋と脳内のエタノールおよびメタノールの非酸化的変化
- 東京医科大学病院における異状死体取り扱いの現状とその妥当性について
- The diagnostic relevance of cerebral amyloid angiopathy in the setting of forensic pathology-a report of two cases and review of the literature
- Application of the BioRobot EZ1 in a forensic laboratory
- Simulating irradiation power density on body surface in postmortem cooling
- Modelling postmortem surface cooling in continuously changing environmental temperature
- Supravital energy production in early post-mortem phase : Estimate based on heat loss due to radiation and natural convection
- Estimation of time since death by heat-flow Finite-Element model. Part I : method, model, calibration and validation
- Estimation of time since death by heat-flow Finite-Element model part II : application to non-standard cooling conditions and preliminary results in practical casework
- 慢性アルコール中毒例における臓器内脂肪酸エチルエステル量の変化