銅欠乏による LEC (Long-Evans Cinnamon) ラットの肝炎・肝癌の発症抑制に関する実験的研究
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For the purpose of investigating the relationship between copper and developing of spontaneous hepatitis and hepatoma in LEC rats, LEC rats were given copper-deficient diet for one month when these diseases developed in them. By controlling copper intake, effect of copper-deficiency on developing of hepatitis and hepatoma in LEC rats were examined and the following conclusions were obtained. 1. Administration of copper-deficient diet at the time of developing of hepatitis in LEC rats delayed the developing of hepatitis in serum biochemistry test and histological studies. 2. Administration of copper-deficient diet at the time of developing of hepatoma in LEC rats delayed the developing of hepatoma in serum biochemistry test, but liver cancer was observed in histological studies ; therefore the effect of administering copper-deficient diet was not recognized. 3. In the liver at the time hepatitis developed, abnormal accumulations of copper and iron were recognized. 4. In the liver at the time hepatoma developed, abnormal copper accumulation was recognized, but iron accumulation was not changed. 5. In the liver of LEC rats at the time hepatitis developed, giant nucleus, infolding of nucleus membrane, transformation of mitochondria, electron-lucent vacuoles of cristae in mitochondria and well-development of smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum were observed by electron microscopy. These findings suggested that copper metabolism was abnormal. 6. By X-ray microanalysis, localization of copper in the liver cell could not identified. From the above results, it was suggested that copper-deficiency was effective for retarding the development of hepatitis in LEC rats, but sufficient effect was not provided in retarding the occurrence of hepatoma in LEC rats.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1996-04-25
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