数値相対論における定式化問題 : 一般相対論における数値シミュレーションを安定化させる指針の探求
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We review recent efforts to re-formulate the Einstein equations for fully relativistic numerical simulations in general relativity. The so-called "numerical relativity" is a promising research field matching with ongoing astrophysical observations such as gravitational wave astronomy. Many trials for longterm stable and accurate simulations of binary compact objects have revealed that mathematically equivalent sets of evolution equations show different numerical stability in free evolution schemes. After reviewing the efforts of the community in the decade, we introduce our idea for understanding all the efforts in a unified way using eigenvalue analysis of the constraint propagation equations. The modifications of (or adjustments to) the evolution equations change the character of constraint propagation, and several particular adjustments using constraints are expected to diminish the constraint-violating modes. We propose several new adjusted evolution equations, and present some numerical demonstrations.
- 日本応用数理学会の論文
- 2005-03-25
- ノーベル物理学賞受賞記念「展示と模擬実験」
- P.ヘリングス著, 川端潔訳, パソコンで宇宙物理学;計算宇宙物理学入門, 国書刊行会, 東京, 2009, xii+284p+v, 21×15cm, 本体2,400円, [学部向], ISBN978-4-336-05001-4
- 第2回「計算機から導く物理の教材」(新著紹介小特集「物理入門書の紹介」)
- 数値相対論における定式化問題 : 一般相対論における数値シミュレーションを安定化させる指針の探求
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- 戸田盛和, 宇宙と素粒子30講, 朝倉書店, 東京, 2002, 21×14.5cm, 本体3,400円, (物理学30講シリーズ10), [学部向](新著紹介)
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